Livingston County Heritage
In 2005, this congregation celebrated the 150th anniversary of First United Methodist Church serving the Livingston County area. We are very excited about the blessings God has shared with us over the last century and a half. Pontiac First is a church rich in history and tradition with a proud heritage of service in missions. Through the strength of that heritage, we have the experience of faith in a trustworthy God that provides us the courage and creativity to minister throughout this community in new and exciting ways.
The First UMC family comes together to celebrate the blessings God has given us, and we come together to cry when life’s burdens are weighing on our hearts. The congregation of First United Methodist Church is not just a group of people that meet together on Sunday mornings. We are a living, breathing family of Christ-followers, committed to caring, loving, and praying for one another. We hope you would be our guest, so you might experience for yourself the blessings of this church and the loving fellowship that worships within its walls.

Our History
Our church was chartered in 1855 and is the oldest existing organization in the city of Pontiac. In the beginning, Pontiac Methodists met in homes to hear the preaching of God’s Word and for study. The first church building was built in 1857 at the corner of Livingston and Main streets. It was dedicated in December of that year. Just a short nine years later the congregation found itself too large and growing too fast for the building they were currently in. They sold the original church building to the Catholic Church in 1866.
That same year a new larger church was built at the corner of Chicago and Madison streets where we are still located today. At 11:00 PM on the February 15, 1885 a cry was heard “The Methodist Church is burning.” A fire had begun due to a defective chimney. Unfortunately the church was a total loss. God was not through with this group of faithful people however. In June of that same year the cornerstone was laid for a brand new church in the same spot that the previous one had burned just four months before. The new church was dedicated the following April in 1886. In 1891 the Ladies’ Aid Society paid to have electric lights placed in the church, which had been lit by large oil lamps before this. Soon after this the very first organ was installed in the church and a balcony was added to the sanctuary to hold the growing membership. By 1896 the church had 803 members on role with an average worship attendance of 439.

In 1923 construction began on the Education Building which included a library, kitchen, Sunday School rooms, the Fellowship Hall meeting rooms and new offices. This was a great blessing to an already growing church. The new Education Building was dedicated on Easter morning, 1924. The sermon that Sunday morning was given by Rev. William J. Davidson, the president of Illinois WesleyanUniversity. In 1938 the sanctuary was remodeled thanks to the efforts of many donated hours from the men of the church. In 1946 the Rev. Charles B Wagner was appointed to Pontiac. He left in 1951 to become a District Superintendent but before he left Rev. Wagner oversaw the building of McCoy Chapel.When Rev. Clifford Brown was appointed to Pontiac in 1951 planning began for a new sanctuary to replace the one built in 1886. Planning for this continued under the leadership of Rev. Dale Pitcher. A capital campaign was launched and soon ground was broke. The new and our current sanctuary was built by Jean A. McCoy and Sons and was dedicated in 1960. In the 1990’s under the pastorates of Rev. George Russell and Dr. Don Black planning began for a major remodel of the front the building. In 1998 the addition was completed which featured a new spacious lobby with floor to ceiling glass windows, new offices, and an elevator. Under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Phil Icenogle in January of 2009, a newly remodeled McCoy Memorial Chapel and Youth Center was dedicated to the glory of God, and in service to the young men and women of this community.The last 150 years have brought many changes to the congregation of First United Methodist Church. We have come through war, fires, births and deaths, new worship services, and so much more. Through it all we continue to be what we will always be: a family of faith focused on our Heavenly Father, listening for the leading of the Holy Spirit, and embracing Jesus Christ in all we do.